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Sled dog mushing in detail

Sled dog mushing in detail


Mushing is about harnessing dogs to a sled for transportation. As the need for sled dogs to be used in the transport of people and things and it is a highly competitive sport.  As you can see in the image above, the dog driver is called a “musher” and you may have even been yelling “mush” when imaging that you were driving a sled dog team — although most folks use something other than “mush” to get their dogs moving.

As you might imagine, mushing is more common in areas with plenty of snow, although a form of dry-land mushing, called rigging or carting, also exists. Mushing is popular in North America and Europe, and not a big surprise, it is the state sport of Alaska.

Have you ever ridden on a dog sled or a rig? What did you think?

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