For dogs, the smell of chocolate is almost as tempting as a big,
thick, juicy steak. That temptation is exactly why your dog may rip into
your bags of Halloween, Easter or other candy.
Even though your dog loves chocolate, it isn’t good for your dog.
Chocolate is processed from the bitter seeds of the cacao tree, which
contain compounds known as methylxanthines. Methylxanthines contain
caffeine and a related chemical called theobromine. Both are stimulants
that can raise your dog’s heart rate — occasionally to the point of
being fatal. Fortunately, most dogs who overdose on chocolate just get
an upset stomach which may be accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. (If
your dog gets into chocolate, call your veterinarian or poison control
hotline immediately for professional advice.)
The amount of chocolate that can cause death depends on your dog’s
size and the kind of chocolate he steals. Remember the following
information is meant to be used as a guideline, your particular
situation may vary. As usual, contact your veterinarian or poison
control hotline immediately for professional advice.
Baking chocolate: one-half-ounce to one-ounce can
cause death in small breeds; for medium breeds, the amount is two-ounces
to three-ounces; in large dogs, the amount is four-ounces to
Milk chocolate: four-ounces to ten-ounces can cause
death in small dogs; one-pound to one-and-one-half-pounds in medium size
dogs; two-pounds to four-and-one-half-pounds in large dogs.
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Used with author’s permission. Chocolate how much can be dangerous for your dog – Minneapolis Dogs |