Inukshuk 32/32 Dog Food 44lb  inukshuk, inukshuk dog food,

Inukshuk 32/32 Dog Food 44lb (775392033232)

5.00 stars, based on 2 reviews
Inukshuk 32/32 Professional Dog Food packs 640 Kcal/cup (4505 Kcal/kg). With our industry leading fat enriched formula you can now feed your dog less food than other lower fat kibble, which saves you money while giving your dog the energy it...
north central iowa

great for hard keepers & active dogs

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just feeding more isn't always the answer infact, too much can cause diarrhea & counter productive when trying to keep weight on a dog. inukshuk solves the problem by higher calorie content. you can feed a reasonable amount of kibble without digestive upset. i use 32/32 in the winter for GSDS, mal & dutchies. great food. great company.

Saint Paul Mn

Keeps weight on my dog

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I couldn't find food that will keep weight on my malinois. We tried all kind of kibbles, even tried raw, still wouldn't keep her weight on. We finally got a recommendation on Inukshuk food and thank god, she gobbles it down and it has kept her weight on for 2 weeks now!

Also, our first time buying from DogFoodDirect and the shipping was SUPER FAST. Very happy with that!